Project of Wells of Hope - YANABIEH EL AMAL
Purpose of the Network Wells Of Hope - YANABIEH EL AMAL
Sharing Women’s Sensitivity for Human Dignity
Cristian and Muslim Women against Trafficking
A project of Talitha Kum / International Union of Superiors General (UISG)
The Talitha Kum Network addresses trafficking in persons by building and/or strengthening networks, promoting women’s collaborative leadership at local, regional, continental and international levels, and by promoting collaboration for anti-trafficking activities around the globe.
Geographic Area Served : Mediterranean Basin
The Mediterranean Basin is one of the priority areas of Talitha Kum. In this region the phenomenon of trafficking is increasing. This project aims to step up efforts in the region to prevent, protect and to provide assistance to the victims of trafficking.
The objectives of the project are:
- To bring women together, to share the approaches they have developed in order to prevent Trafficking in Persons(TIP)and to help the survivors.
- To identify partners, resources persons, places in which to establish the project and a series of encounters in order to define and to plan a common agenda against trafficking in persons.
- To promote trust and a space for dialogue, reflection and action among Christian and Muslim Women focused on human dignity, in order to prevent any kind of exploitation of life.
The Coordinator of the project, Sr. Marie Claude, shares her reflexion on “Wells of Hope” project:
What a joy to be connected to this Talitha Kum International platform
The words Talitha Kum have a connotation, a meaning very dear to my heart: <SABIEH KOUMI> carries an energy of life, a call to stand up and to start a path of freedom.
Project WELLS OF HOPE, < YANABIEH EL AMAL > الأمل ينابيع is the new-born project of the International Network Against Trafficking in Human Beings, and supported by the Assembly of International Major Superiors in Rome (UISG), sign of the Compassion of God for so many brothers and sisters at risk.
TOGETHER, Christian and Muslim women in this part of the world, we are the voice of those who have no voice, and we want to be a sign, a cry, a call from all those who are left behind, for so many women and children who are victims of exploitation, abuse and human trafficking.
This project will be implemented in Lebanon for all countries of the Mediterranean Basin (Middle East).
The project was welcomed, encouraged and supported by the Assembly of Major Superiors of Women in Lebanon.
Why a project for the Middle East?
A Middle East crossroad of civilizations, place of the brewing of peoples, cultures and religions, which was bloodied for so many by wars and violence, and yet it was the theatre of the so-called Arab Spring!
Can you imagine so much misery, violence, suffering, displacement, exile, exodus in this very region of the world?
Yes, this Middle East has become the crossroad of this “inhuman traffic”, appalling scenario of recruitment, kidnapping, transportation and transfer of the most vulnerable people, especially women and children, who were intercepted by ruthless traffickers who had the audacity to expose them to a “low market price”. To this we must also mention the market of domestic workers who have invaded the Middle East in search of a better life, they have been delivered to societies which look more and more like <jungles> with no defined laws and rules aimed at protecting and safeguarding the dignity of the people.
YES, it is for this reason that we, Christian and Muslim women in this region of the world, pledge to bring a ray of hope in this dark picture of misery.
Together we want to reach out to our most vulnerable brothers and sisters with respect for their dignity, to dig, spawn and bring life back to life from the depths of this long trajectory of suffering, exploitation, humiliation and a courageous return to a better world.
Sr. Marie Claude would like to end with the following thought:
“We want to entrust our project to our God, merciful Father, full of tenderness and compassion for these friends, the most vulnerable children, and to you, brothers and sisters of the great family of Talitha Kum International.“