New York. The "Nuns Healing Hearts" exhibition lands at United Nations Headquarters
29 July, H.E. Msgr. Bernardito Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, will inaugurate the photo exhibition to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Talitha Kum Network 'Nuns Healing Hearts'.
On the occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (30 July), the photo exhibition "Nuns Healing Hearts" by humanitarian U.S. photographer Lisa Kristine will be inaugurated on Monday 29 July at 6:00pm at the United Nations Glass Palace in New York. The exhibition, celebrating 10 years of Talitha Kum’s engagement against human trafficking, is promoted by the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, in collaboration with the Pontifical Academy for Sciences and sponsored by the Galileo Foundation. It will be open until August 2nd.
Accompanied by Sr. Gabriella Bottani, International Coordinator of Talitha Kum, Sr. Patricia Murray, UISG Executive Secretary, Mr. John McCaffrey, President of the Galileo Foundation, and by photographer Lisa Kristine, Archbishop Bernardito Auza will present more than 20 images that highlight the key role of Talitha Kum's sisters in the challenge of anti-human trafficking. The issue will then be addressed in depth in a panel discussion to be held at 4:45pm, which will also be attended by the Argentine bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, current Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy for Sciences and Sr. Melissa Camardo (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth) who will represent the more than 2,000 sisters engaged in the service against trafficking in human beings.
Guatemala, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, and United States have been selected - among the 70 countries where the Talitha Kum networks are active - for an “emotional journey” aimed at understanding the daily life of migrants, with its difficulties, but above all the commitment and care that all the sisters offer to the victims, sharing their stories of exclusion, offering them comfort, supporting their thoughts and expectations. At the United Nations there will not simply be journalistic reporting but a hymn to life, which breaks prejudices and puts positivity in circulation, the idea that another world, more equal and human, is really possible.
Lear more about the Nuns Healing Hearts Campaign
4-6pm | 29 July 2019 | UNHQ Conference Room 3
6-7pm | 29 July 2019 | IB Neck Area Exhibition
RSVP: www.holyseemission.org/rsvp29July2019