JULY 30 – Campaign
We are called to be “Ambassadors of Hope” Against Human Trafficking.
Every year on 30 July, Talitha Kum joins the annual UN campaign for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The theme this year is "Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking." This year’s topic focuses on children. Calling on each one of us to protect our children and prevent them from human trafficking, as Pope Francis has described "human trafficking as a crime against humanity.”
According to the UNODC's Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, 1 in 3 victims of human trafficking globally is a child.
Children are subjected to various forms of trafficking, including exploitation in forced labour, forced marriage, criminality or begging, trafficked for illegal adoption, and online and sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children (OSEC). Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and conflicts in many countries create particular vulnerabilities for children, leading to increased risks of abuse at many levels, including human trafficking. Many cases of “unaccompanied and separated children, including children evacuated from residential care facilities, are particularly vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation.” Another trend, according to the Global Slavery Index 2023 report on the trend of “orphanage trafficking" is described as “the recruitment of children into residential care institutions for the purpose of profit and exploitation.” Traffickers also use technology by using the Internet to advertise and sell children online sexual exploitation (OSEC) and distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
In this context, new challenges in preventing and combating human trafficking affecting children have emerged. We need a strategic collaboration, particularly with law enforcement agencies with skills in combating technology-facilitated human trafficking by monitoring online platforms.
It is the call for “urgent action to protect vulnerable groups, especially children, from exploitation and support child victims of trafficking.”
"To every child – I dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace, and be happy." - Malala Yousafzai Nobel Prize Laureate
Talitha Kum networks, Sisters and Youth Ambassadors worldwide organize events/campaigns to raise awareness and prevention of human trafficking using various platforms: in-person and online campaigns, TV and radio, street campaigns, social media campaigns, etc. Everybody is encouraged to join this campaign in #Ending Human Trafficking. #Leave no Child Behind.
Talitha Kum is an international network of Religious and lay people fighting against human trafficking in different parts of the world. Throughout this month of this year's campaign, we have shared some testimonies of the diplomats, sisters, and young people who participated in the Second General Assembly of Talitha Kum last May 2024.
Talitha Kum's Youth ambassador from Ivory Coast emphasized the importance of caring, listening to victims and survivors - and taking action to #EndHumanTrafficking for “#LeavingNoOneBehind.”
The Australian Ambassador to the Holy See, HE Chiara Porro, emphasized the importance of education, “necessary to ensure that next generation is aware of the risks, of their rights [...]”, to #EndHumanTrafficking and “leaving no child behind.”
Sr. Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp, highlighted that “Talitha Kum is a powerhouse that knows to involve everyone as they are [...]”, to #EndHumanTrafficking and “leaving no child behind.”
Sr. Angela Nemilaki Kapitingana, MSOLA from Kenya, emphasized the importance of joining together. "It is about walking with all the people: women, men, and children who are vulnerable to trafficking. [...]”, to #EndHumanTrafficking and “leaving no child behind.”
Children and Youth as ambassadors of Hope!
Let us listen to their prayer! A prayer made by young people from Jordan (Wells of Hope)!
We raise to you /Lord /our prayers/ on this blessed day /with His Holiness Pope Francis /and our blessed Church/.
We pray for peace in this world / and for us to be true ambassadors of hope / working together / hand in hand / in the spirit of companionship / and participation /.
We pray for the reduction /and end of human trafficking /in this wounded and torn world/.
Let our message /as ambassadors of hope /bear fruit and blossom in love /reassurance /hope /faith /and peace from within /bearing the weapon of love and mercy /in service to our suffering people/. Amen.