On July 30th, Talitha Kum invites all networks, partners and friends to join our online activation marking the UN’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.
Together, we want to tell a story of care. Our aim is to show that care can make a difference along every step of the journey to combat human trafficking – care for those at risk, care for victims, and care for survivors.
OUR PLAN: On July 22nd, Talitha Kum Rome channels on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook will launch the Care Against Trafficking campaign, updating our banners and profiles. In the following week, we’ll invite our supporters to join the activation on July 30th.
On July 30th, 8am to 8pm CET, Talitha Kum Rome channels will post stories of Sisters, accompanied by photos like the one on the left, to illustrate how we #CareAgainstTrafficking. To amplify this message, we’re asking you to do the same.
Detailed instructions will follow, but you can start thinking about stories and testimonies that illustrate the power of care. In particular, we want to hear your stories of care in any of the following areas: access to quality education, access to work permits and job opportunities, healthcare and psychosocial support, and justice for survivors. If you don’t use social media, you can send your stories to communication@talithakum.info and we’ll share them on July 30th.
If you can participate via your own channels, this will help our campaign to reach more people and have more of an impact. EXAMPLE POST: Talitha Kum Sisters in Pattaya, Thailand #CareAgainstTrafficking by training survivors in hairdressing and massage skills, so they can escape the sex industry and find dignified employment #JobsAgainsTrafficking @TalithaKumRome
OUR STATEMENT “Human trafficking is an open wound on the body of contemporary society” – Pope Francis, Address to participants in the international conference on human trafficking, 10th April 2014. We won’t stand in silence while people in every corner of the world suffer as a result of human trafficking. We are Talitha Kum, a global network of more than three thousand Catholic Sisters and friends, united in our dedication to eradicating human trafficking. Fuelled by the power of our spiritual commitment, we have supported tens of thousands of people to escape the shackles of trafficking and find a path to reconstruct lives of freedom and dignity. And we go one step further on our journey of care: we aim to create long-term, sustainable change to dismantle the systems that enable oppression and exploitation. In order to tackle this global challenge and find systemic solutions, we recognise that we must work with organisations in the private sector, governments, NGOs and civil society. On World Day Against Trafficking In Persons, we ask our networks and partners to stand together and amplify our efforts to transform the economy of trafficking into an economy of care that empowers everyone, and especially women, to foster safe and thriving communities. Today, we call on all people of good will to come together and tackle the systemic causes of human trafficking. We call on governments to commit to long-term support for survivors, including quality education, work permits, access to justice and compensation, and medical and psychosocial assistance.
Today, we declare that caring is the most powerful force for change, and we unite with survivors to care against trafficking
The #CareAgainstTrafficking action is part of Talitha Kum's advocacy programme within the wider context of the "Sisters Advocating Globally" initiative of the UISG - the International Union of General Superiors, supported by the Global Solidarity Fund This initiative aims to make the voice of Catholic sisters heard within the global development community.