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In 2016 sr. Mercy Muthoniparticipate to theII TalithaKum International Coordination Committee in Rome with the purpose to establish a Network in Cameroon. Sr. Mercy was appointed by Sr. Patricia Ebedgbuem from Nigeria. She started her ministry on human trafficking in 2009, she come in contact with Talitha Kum in 2012. … Read more
In 2016 sr. Mercy Muthoniparticipate to theII TalithaKum International Coordination Committee in Rome with the purpose to establish a Network in Cameroon. Sr. Mercy was appointed by Sr. Patricia Ebedgbuem from Nigeria. She started her ministry on human trafficking in 2009, she come in contact with Talitha Kum in 2012. Since 2016 Sr. Mercy worked hard to involve the local conference of Religious in the English Speacking area, and was able to organize a Talitha Kum group in 2017 and involve the Conference of Religious of Cameroon in order to establish officially the Networkin the Country. November 2018, after a training section organized by Talitha Kum International, Talitha Kum Cameroon was offially established under there sponsability of the Conference of Religious of Cameroon. In 2021, the conference of Religious appointed the above three sisters to continue the work Sr. Mercy and Hortensia have been doing. Sr. Therese to coordinate the English Speaking Zone while Sr. Nathalie and Scholastique coordinate the French speaking Zone. Talitha kum at this momen thas grown from strength to streng thin both zones.
We hope to restore the dignity of those who have been trafficked by sensitising as many people as we can reach.
Oración de sr. Misericordia en la víspera del laboratorio Talitha Kum en Yaundé, Camerún, 19 de noviembre de 2018 para el lanzamiento oficial de la red camerunesa
Oração do Sr. Misericórdia na véspera do laboratório Talitha Kum em Yaoundé, Camarões, 19 de novembro de 2018 para o lançamento oficial da rede dos Camarões