Rede Um Grito pela Vida - Brazil, 15 years of life and commitment against trafficking in persons
What does it mean for you to celebrate 15 years as a network of consecrated life against human trafficking in Brazil?
The Talitha Kum Network Um Grito pela vida, is in the year celebrating 15 years of activities, actions, and political advocacy. These 15 years have been full of struggle, challenges, and achievements. These 15 years of activities of the Network Against Human Trafficking mean that it is time to celebrate hope and new life and to address new expectations for the betterment of the lives of many people and families.
It is a time to praise and thank God for each and every religious, laymen and laywomen who have made an effort and dedicated time to accomplish so much work in this great space of prophecy of the Consecrated Religious Life in Brazil. The network is consolidated and represented in 22 states and with 28 local nuclei. Each nucleus carries out its actions according to the reality, challenges, and needs of each locality.
Celebrating 15 years means looking forward and continuing the effort in the fight for life, saving young people and children from the attempts and dangers that the crime of human trafficking offers. But above all, it is about listening to young people, welcoming them in their thirsts and challenges, and being witnesses of struggle and hope for a more dignified life.
According to you, what are the greatest achievements of the network? What is the most beautiful element to celebrate?
We have many joys and accomplishments to remember and celebrate. Among them, I will mention:
- One of the great joys is the courage of Consecrated Religious Life part of the Conference of Religious of Brazil (CRB), to embrace this cause, listen, welcome, and take up the call in defense of the life of children, adolescents, young people, and women kidnapped and trafficked within the country and out of the country;
- Another great joy is the great number of lay people who, together with the religious men and women, have committed themselves to this noble cause;
- The great commitment of all the members of the Network in facing human trafficking through prevention, awareness-raising, and making people aware of this crime in the most diverse places of the country;
- Our communion with the Network Talitha Kum as a base point and the partnership among the networks against Human Trafficking in Latin America, and immense gratitude to the Network Talitha Kum for always helping and supporting us.
- Even in the midst of difficulties and social challenges, the collaboration and participation of the Network in resolving some situations of Trafficking in women, and many of child abuse;
- The importance of the partnership with other groups, institutions, and public organs for the rescue and defense of life and human dignity.
A final message for Consecrated Life in Brazil.
Religious Life in Brazil walks in the prophetic way of the Gospel. Many are testimonies of giving and rescue of life in the most diverse spaces and in the most diverse ways, of children, adolescents, youth, women and men in situations of danger for the crime of human trafficking.
The Network assumes its mystique in the inspiration of Jesus' Word, in the foundational charismas of the different congregations, in the prophetic indignation and Samaritan compassion, in the defense of human rights, and the certainty that a better world is possible.
Our mission is to sensitize, train leader(s), inform, mobilize, denounce, weave partnerships, and fight for public policies in favor of the prevention and confrontation of Human Trafficking.
The Rede Um Grito pela Vida is considered the prophetic arm of the Conference of Religious of Brazil, according to its president. The Network is very grateful for this support and encouragement.
Therefore, we invite all Religious to embrace this cause and to donate some of their time to join the Network Um Grito pela vida in the prevention of human trafficking and the prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents. Let's join together in the defense of life.
Sister Valmí Bohn, sdp, coordinator of the network Um Grito pela Vida Brasil