General Assembly Day 3
On the borders, in the mountains, in the villages and in the cities, victims come from every locality and walk of life.
Contrary to public perceptions, the profile of human traffickers extends well beyond the realm of gender alone, extending beyond simply men and women through to parents, siblings and loved ones, employers, employment agencies, security officials, tourists and many, many more comprise the profile of traffickers.
Offering false promises of gainful employment, good salaries and the possibilities for a future, they are credible to people who are vulnerable and wishing for improved quality of life.
The latter are those who Talitha Kum shines a light upon, in a Holy Trinity of Sisters in Solidarity and Strength, working towards achieving another Holy Trinity of Prevention, Protection and Prosecution.
Carrying out Christ's calling for us to be the light on the lampstand (Lk8:16-18) is not about a title on a business card but rather, it is about the sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good which we shine to others, together weaving a web in love.
In the darkness of the world of Human Trafficking, Talitha Kum, weaving a web in love , helps inflame that light in our lives so that it may illumine all that we see, think and do.
It impossible to combat Human trafficking in a hurry. Rather, we must pace ourselves in love and let God act in and through us. May our lives shine brightly with His light, that we may bring its radiance into the lives of all we encounter.
Talitha Kum Communications team